Thursday, May 20, 2010

We Should Have Named Her Lenny

That dog. The one right up there. The one that is shaped like a barrel with 4 toothpicks sticking out the bottom. The one that is built in the least aerodynamic way possible? That dog leaped into the air and snagged a live bird the other day.
And then she played it to death. It was like watching Godzilla take on Flower from Bambi in a cage match. But she doesn't actually mean it, which really just makes it that much more horrifying to watch.
She just wants to pet the rabbits, is what I'm saying.


  1. Cute!! I wish I could get a dog. One day.

  2. Oh my gosh! I would have died if I saw this! Is it bad that I call my husband LENNY sometimes? Not because he snatches live birds in his, but...oh nevermind.

  3. She kinda looks like my little bastard Andy Boo! The stick legs part for sure...

  4. What!! awww haha love the dog and didn't know dogs tried to catch birds haha.

  5. Thank you kindly. I am absolutely going to have nightmares about that image.

  6. You are welcome. I am nothing if not a giver. Plus, I should not have to live with that image by myself.

  7. Your dog is rad. Just the kind of pet you want to have when the apocalypse hits for the following reasons: (1) You won't want for food (that's assuming you eat birds) and (2) if the apocalypse takes the form of some kind of bird invasion/uprising you have your own little bird assassin. In conclusion, "assassin" is harder to spell than I'd originally anticipated and it took me three tries before that red dotted line disappeared.

  8. Amber, I was sort of afraid she was going to CAUSE the bird apocolypse and I would walk out of my house to find my entire yard covered in angry birds the next morning.

    And then one of them would kill me like that bird in the Omen (2?) killed what's her face.
